One day as we caught the bus to ride to the large grocery store in the mall, we met a Pakistani family. They all (minus Dad) sat in the first seats on the bus so we had to walk by them as we entered the bus. Naturally we couldn't miss an opportunity to talk. We discovered they were also going to the same grocery store so we talked and walked the entire way - riding the bus, crossing the street, walking through the parking lot, entering the store. The girls especially spoke perfect English. We learned a bit about their family during that time and exchanged phone numbers. They are here for a year while the dad studies at a nearby military academy.
About a week or so later, they invited us to their home for dinner. We had a delightful time getting to know the whole family, eating Pakistani food, and laughing about all kinds of things. We chatted about family, their country officially known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, kids growing up, future educations plans, living in Beijing, etc. So the next week they all came to our home for dinner, a few rounds of UNO, and more chatting.
We hope to continue our new friendship.
Amna 14, Anna 18, Cheryl, Shazia, Farhan, Omer 9 |