Friday, March 30, 2018

My Only Hope

Words by Horatius Bonar (alt. K Twit), Music by Kevin Twit ©2012 Kevin Twit Music (ASCAP)


1. Upon a life I have not lived, 
Upon a death I did not die, 
Another’s life; Another’s death, 
I stake my whole eternity. 

2. Not on the tears which I have shed, 
Not on the sorrows I have known, 
Another’s tears; Another’s griefs, 
On these I rest, on these alone. 

O Jesus, Son of God, I build on what Thy cross has done for me; 
There both my life and death I read, my guilt, and pardon there I see. 

3. Lord, I believe; O deal with me, 
As one who has Thy Word believed! 
I take the gift, Lord, look on me, 
As one who has Thy gift received. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

South India Pastoral Training - Module 2

Recently Mark, Jamie Howell, and I spend about 11 days in both Hyderabad and Giddalur of southern India. We went at the invitation of a local Indian pastor to provide pastoral and theological training for rural pastors who have little opportunity to receive formal theological training. Mark visited Hyderabad (with pastors from Giddalur) last August to introduce them to several biblical topics. (See 8/3/17 and 8/8/17 posts) We called this trip “Module 2” where Jamie taught several sessions on the Doctrine of God and Mark taught several sessions on the Doctrine of Scripture.

While the trip was exhausting and frustrating at times, the teaching went really well. The men hunger for solid biblical teaching. We all watched men take notes, visibly process new information, and wrestle with doctrines they had never heard. Jamie consistently encouraged them to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11 “…[who] were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” Each time we asked our hosts if the men profited from the training, they reminded us that these men don’t have access to such training or resources.


In addition to providing solid biblical teaching, Mark aims to identify men who possess leadership skills  and qualities who can carry on the teaching and training. What better way to contextualize the gospel and the Bible than with local leaders? Several men showed such characteristics. Pray with us for wisdom for future endeavors.


Here are some photos of the trip.

Jyothi and Suresh Gumma - our gracious hosts in Hyderabad
Paul Gumma, age 16-17. In October, Paul (son of Suresh & Jyothi) had major heart surgery and is still recovering the use of his legs. As the photo shows, he has a contagious smile and laugh.
 Simeon - son of Suresh & Jyothi

Newlyweds Deborah & Praveen. We talked a lot about the Indian culture of arranged marriages.

Sunday Worship at Jesus Holy Church Hyderabad

Jamie teaching the Doctrine of God in Hyderabad

Two of the men with books donated by Ligonier Ministries.
These men know enough English to profit from the books.

Men in Hyderabad who completed the training.

Tuktuk - Our common mode of transportation

Mark teaching the Doctrine of Scripture in Giddalur.

Men who completed the training in Giddalur
The Indian custom of removing shoes before entering church (or a home).
It reminds me of Exodus 3:5 "Take off your sandals, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." What if we considered our worship space as holy ground?

The Indian custom of women covering their heads during prayer or worship.
Their application of 1 Corinthians 11:4-10  
4 "Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head... For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. 10 That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head."  The photo shows people lined up for the Lord's Supper. The elders walked between the lines passing out the elements of communion.

A peaceful excursion one afternoon outside of Giddalur, away from the hustle and bustle of town.