Tuesday, April 30, 2019

People Stories - Harry & Alpha

June 2017

Harry & Alpha

We met Harry from the Philippines in the spring of 2014. Although he worshipped at Beijing Baptist Church from the time of his arrival in Beijing, we first had extended time with him over dinner in our borrowed apartment in the fall of 2014. We gathered around the kitchen table over a meal, seeking to build a closer relationship with him. We shared food, conversation, and piano music. At that dinner table, Harry confessed that he didn’t ‘get’ Americans. Americans living overseas have a tendency to appear driven, independent, brash, and focused, whereas Asians tend to function as a community, defer to others, and speak indirectly. At that time, we all were still learning how to be comfortable with each other’s cultures and expectations.

In late spring 2017, Harry mentioned that he appreciated that he stuck with Beijing Baptist Church. We rejoice to see how God used BBC to help him (and his wife) grow in the Lord. Harry came to our Guys’ Nights of dinner and discipleship when he could, attended the monthly Masculine Mandate study, and participated in the Doctrine Forum that studied the 1689 Confession of Faith.

Mark and I also joyfully watched him develop a relationship with his now-wife Alpha. We met Alpha in January 2017 when she visited Beijing before their marriage and her move to Beijing. We heard her story of how God has worked in her life, and how she and Harry met. After Alpha lived in German-speaking Switzerland for a time, she returned to her native Philippines where she founded a school for nurses to learn German so they could seek better job opportunities in Europe.

Harry and Alpha unexpectedly returned to the Philippines in the fall of 2018 and now seek the Lord’s next step in their life. In the meantime, they will attend Bob Jones University’s graduation this weekend where Harry will receive his Master of Education. They look forward to visiting Greenville, meeting our SC friends, and worshipping with our home church.

Please pray for them as they seek the Lord’s leading in their lives, work, and ministry.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

BBC's first ever 5K Spring Run

Mark, ever the promoter and organizer, came up with the idea to have a 5K run to build unity and fellowship within BBC. Of course, not everyone runs, so we encouraged those who don't run to come to cheer the runners on, fellowship with people, and consider sponsoring a runner for a worthy cause. After explaining to the non-Americans what it means to 'sponsor' a runner, we then set a goal to raise 1000RMB to supply the Liberian home church of one of our BBC members with hymnals, which we exceeded!  
The Group

Studying the route

And they're off!

First across the finish line

Oliver from Liberia whose home church will receive hymnals

Even a partially paralyzed older man can walk a 5K!