Day fifty-nine, eleven remaining. Had dinner tonight with my wife Cheryl, brother-in-law Victor (Happy 52nd!), sister Ellen, nephew Avery, Scott and Marsha Van Steenburgh, and Pastor Bob Selph. A very special time downtown for all at a restaurant we just completed. This creates a segway for the question: "What can one person do?" What possible impact can I have in a small Bible school in Vladivostok, Russia from October 6th until November 3rd? I think it is a fair question,but is it the right question? I admit I am susceptible to a Western pragmatism - asking if we have a good cost-benefit ratio, what is the payback period - all legitimate questions that we ask in a variety of contexts. But the experience of my brother-in-law helps me think more clearly about the "What can one person do?" question. The answer - a lot...
The quiet example of faithful, purposeful living of a Christian man over some thirty years as he has worked, loved, served, given, laughed, and cried in the sea of family, marriage, work, community, and the people of God preaches a powerful ongoing message of the power of one. One person can make a difference. And God gives him the grace to do it. Sometimes that one is the kindness of a stranger demonstrated only in a moment, or in a longer minute, or greater yet in the lifetime of a faithful brother-in-law. Jesus said, "The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many" (Matt. 20:28). And yet He only had a three year public ministry. What did the one Man do? Here's the call: Go to Russia for 28 days and by God's grace and the power of His Spirit - teach, defend the faith, preach the Gospel, and encourage the saints like it will be the last chance I will ever have to do it! I am one man, but I will let Solomon whisper in my ear: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for there is no activity or wisdom in Sheol where you are going (Ecclesiastes 9:10)." Going as one person may not make much difference, but not going certainly won't...
Prayer: Father, as I go to a distant land, help me always be conscious that I go as your representative. Help me listen, help me serve, help me speak trusting you with the results as the One great missionary God who is ever seeking the lost. Help me believe that you will build your Church through the foolishness of the preaching of the Gospel. Please prepare the hearts of your people to receive the ministry of the Word that we will bring in the next few weeks. Do it for your name's renown. Because of your Son, Amen.
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