Monday, April 29, 2013

Far Away Friends

Last week Mark & I attended the ARBCA General Assembly.  It’s the first one we have attended that wasn’t at our church. This GA encouraged me a lot. It seemed to have a healthy, happy spirit of Christ. The singing was robust, the fellowship sweet.  In addition to pastors, many wives came, as demonstrated by about 50 at the ladies’ tea.

After the GA, we headed toward my hometown of Stevensville, MI to visit with a high school friend and her family, the Schlutts, and long-time family friends, the Ernsts. On the way in, we drove down John Beers Rd to drive by the old Jr. High school which is now a middle school and the high school and took a few pictures. We drove around North & South Riviera and took a few pictures of the old house.  

We delighted in the visit with the Schlutts. Julie is one of those friends who calls me every few years and we talk but we hadn’t seen each other for 18 years. We had a terrific time talking together. They seem to be doing well, loving being parents to 2 beautiful Chinese daughters.  Steve & Mark hit it off well, both great conversationalists.  They are excited about our plans to go to China in the fall.  Julie said she just knew that is right for us and had a peace about the Lord’s leading in it.  

Then we spent the night with Mary & Allyn Ernst.  We were SO encouraged by their walk with the Lord. Of course, they told stories on me and my family – some that I had never heard before.  It really was neat to see how God has grown them over the years.  God has preserved them and they have persevered.  Their life reminds me to finish in the faith well.

Friday we drove over to Columbus, OH to visit with Keith, Angela, & Chi Webb. We had a blessed time renewing our friendship.  On the way over, Mark gave Max Callahan a call to see if we could also see him.  Well, about 8pm as we were finishing dinner, Mark shared with Keith about this college student we wanted to see. So Keith says, Wait a minute and recounts a time that he had lunch with an OSU college student one Sunday when Angela was out of town.  It was Max. So Keith called Max to tell him that we were there eating dinner.  In typical Callahan fashion, he said "No way!" That was a fun connection. So Max came over for breakfast before he went to work the next morning.  We had a nice though short time of catching up.

I have enjoyed this week of Christian fellowship, catching up with longtime friends, seeing how they are walking with the Lord.  It encourages my heart and faith. I feel refreshed knowing that people we love around the country persevere. It helps me persevere. I can see how Paul wanted to go back to churches where he had been to see how they were doing, to encourage them, and to refresh his own soul.  Nothing like the Family of God.

Along the way, we have shared about the doors God has opened for us to Beijing. In order to go by the end of August, we must hit the ground running. Several people have asked if we are excited, scared, what.  Maybe a little of both. Yet I know God will provide all our needs, even our spiritual and emotional needs.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lee P. Hatfield Jr - written Friday, April 12, 2013

Today is a happy-sad day for all of us who knew and loved our Dad. As I write this I marvel at how beautiful it is outside, as though God redeemed the storm-filled day Cheryl and I experienced yesterday driving east from Clarksville, TN back to Greenville. We pulled in to my parent's home at 9:45 PM; Dad passed into heaven at 11:05 PM, the "mortal putting on immortality." The moments with my siblings - Kathryn, Ellen, and John were priceless. We knew the treasure of a father's love and it prepared us as children to understand the love of our Heavenly Father. I thought as we drove from Clarksville - "A father cannot make a child a Christian, but a father can be an obstacle for a child to embrace Christ by faith." Our father loved us generously and faithfully in a way that tilled the soil of our hearts to receive the seed of the Gospel. What greater gift can a father provide his children?

Dad was faithful, steady, competent, intelligent, practical, forward-thinking, funny (very), family-oriented, generous, wise, economical with words, and clearly spiritual. He loved God, Mom, his children, his siblings, and the church. His spirituality exceeded his need to wax eloquent about spiritual things. His life was one long sermon. He often left me wanting more expressions from him, but I know we all treasure our exchanges with him.

I know I have not posted pictures of our Dad today. Others are far more capable of that than me. But hear a word to all of you who have known, loved, and/or cared for our parents - "Thank you!" In loving Dad, you have loved us as generously as our father...

- Mark
Dad on his 82nd birthday Aug 16, 2012 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Back in Clarksville

Mark and I are back in Clarksville now.  After we came home from Beijing, I washed clothes and we packed up to come home to Greenville to see his dad.  We heard that the few days prior to our arrival from Beijing, his dad had really not been doing well.  So Mark decided to come home to Greenville to say what might be a last good bye.  Currently his dad receives morphine every 12 hours for his constant pain so the last two times we saw him, he was very sleepy and not coherent.

We stayed three nights at home. We visited with his parents each day and even saw all of our kids and my parents during the time home.  It was so good to have time with each of the kids and have directed conversations with them.  I feel like we connected well with each of them.

Some thoughts about all our back and forth traveling.  I feel like we have had a mini-dose of cross-cultural training this month.  A few weeks in Clarksville in a different environment than normal. Different church culture, smaller living quarters, fewer things.  Then to Beijing. Different language all around us. Walking everywhere. Riding the subway. Staying with two different families. Then back to Greenville.  Feeling like a visitor in our own home. Meeting people for meals. Packing and repacking. Living out of a suitcase.  Is this what missionaries feel like? Often on the go but never staying anywhere? In familiar surroundings with friends but not feeling a part of it? 

In the midst of our back and forth traveling, I realized I forgot to post some cool pictures of our time in Beijing. While Mark K & Mark visited with some friends Saturday night, Diane & I walked to a mall area that contains the largest digital movie screen in the world.  Beijing impressed us in many ways, one of which is the complete safety we felt at all times.  Beijing has almost no crime so       
we enjoyed taking a walk to see the night life.

"The Place"
Street side of largest digital screen in the world

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Pictures from Easter Sunday, March 31

"C" and I at the Easter Service

Gathered for worship

Lunch after the service. 

Add caption

Tim and Young wth Yohanna (4) and Micah (2).

Charlotte and Owen - Two Little Aussies
The Story of Hope - translated into Mandarin

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mark & I arrived safely back to Clarksville tonight around 10:00pm. All went well but it's been a long day.