Monday, April 29, 2013

Far Away Friends

Last week Mark & I attended the ARBCA General Assembly.  It’s the first one we have attended that wasn’t at our church. This GA encouraged me a lot. It seemed to have a healthy, happy spirit of Christ. The singing was robust, the fellowship sweet.  In addition to pastors, many wives came, as demonstrated by about 50 at the ladies’ tea.

After the GA, we headed toward my hometown of Stevensville, MI to visit with a high school friend and her family, the Schlutts, and long-time family friends, the Ernsts. On the way in, we drove down John Beers Rd to drive by the old Jr. High school which is now a middle school and the high school and took a few pictures. We drove around North & South Riviera and took a few pictures of the old house.  

We delighted in the visit with the Schlutts. Julie is one of those friends who calls me every few years and we talk but we hadn’t seen each other for 18 years. We had a terrific time talking together. They seem to be doing well, loving being parents to 2 beautiful Chinese daughters.  Steve & Mark hit it off well, both great conversationalists.  They are excited about our plans to go to China in the fall.  Julie said she just knew that is right for us and had a peace about the Lord’s leading in it.  

Then we spent the night with Mary & Allyn Ernst.  We were SO encouraged by their walk with the Lord. Of course, they told stories on me and my family – some that I had never heard before.  It really was neat to see how God has grown them over the years.  God has preserved them and they have persevered.  Their life reminds me to finish in the faith well.

Friday we drove over to Columbus, OH to visit with Keith, Angela, & Chi Webb. We had a blessed time renewing our friendship.  On the way over, Mark gave Max Callahan a call to see if we could also see him.  Well, about 8pm as we were finishing dinner, Mark shared with Keith about this college student we wanted to see. So Keith says, Wait a minute and recounts a time that he had lunch with an OSU college student one Sunday when Angela was out of town.  It was Max. So Keith called Max to tell him that we were there eating dinner.  In typical Callahan fashion, he said "No way!" That was a fun connection. So Max came over for breakfast before he went to work the next morning.  We had a nice though short time of catching up.

I have enjoyed this week of Christian fellowship, catching up with longtime friends, seeing how they are walking with the Lord.  It encourages my heart and faith. I feel refreshed knowing that people we love around the country persevere. It helps me persevere. I can see how Paul wanted to go back to churches where he had been to see how they were doing, to encourage them, and to refresh his own soul.  Nothing like the Family of God.

Along the way, we have shared about the doors God has opened for us to Beijing. In order to go by the end of August, we must hit the ground running. Several people have asked if we are excited, scared, what.  Maybe a little of both. Yet I know God will provide all our needs, even our spiritual and emotional needs.


  1. So glad to hear you had such good time visiting friends. Can't wait to see you this week! :)

  2. Hi, this is Holly Schlutt. My Mom read your post to me. I enjoyed hearing about your visit and I also enjoyed the time we spent with you. I hope we can get together again. I wish you a safe and blessed trip. God bless you and watch over you. Love, Holly
