we picked up our passports with our new visas from the Public Service Bureau. We
submitted the paperwork for the visas through our school shortly after we
arrived, 7 ½ weeks ago. Now we can legally stay in the country until the
beginning of June 2014. Rejoice with us.
many situations here, this visa process tested our patience and trust in the
Lord. Communication with officials at times was difficult. At times, Mark
especially stressed over the slowness of the process and the potential of being
here ‘illegally’. Most people told us that as long as the officials had our
passports and the visas were in process, everything was ok. However, I must
say, I felt very happy to have them
back in my hands today. The Lord is good
in all He does, even when He makes us wait.
Oh, how well we know! It took 13 months to process our dossier for Holly's adoption. We were told it would only take 6 - 9 months. Dori was a little quicker at only 8 months. Still, each day that passes is agonizing. Patience is a hard lesson to continually learn. My women's study group has been discussing the topic of worry and the response in Matthew.