We got our hot water fixed yesterday after three days. Boy, it sure was nice to take a hot shower again. However, upon entering the laundry area, where the water pipes are, we discovered water all over the floor. It turns out that the fix-it man unhooked a water pipe but didn't hook it back up. We were suspicious when we saw the turn valve sitting on the washer, wondering where that came from. Now the fix-it people want to charge us again to fix the pipe, saying that there is no way to prove that it wasn't leaking before the guy came the first time. Well, the floor was dry before he came and wet after he 'fixed' it. How do you prove it without pictures? Who would have thought to take pictures? Please remember us, that we won't have to pay twice.
Thank you to all who remember us. We know you care and remember. It is obvious to us that G hears and answers.
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