Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fireworks Jan. 30 & Ditan Park Temple Festival Feb. 5

Chinese people know how to celebrate! After all they invented fireworks!

January 31 was Chinese New Year this year. The evening before, New Year's Eve, we went with a friend to Hou Hai Park to experience the fireworks. What a great show. Since much of Beijing shuts down for two weeks to celebrate Chinese New Year and Spring Festival, we have heard fireworks all week long.

Note: my autofocus on my camera lens stopped working just before I took these pictures so they are not focused well.
Lighting fireworks on the sidewalk  
Long strings of firecrackers

Bessie & Hector

Because most people had two weeks off work, like a vacation, the city really changed. Subways were virtually empty, streets deserted, but parks and festivals  crowded.  Mark & I decided to experience the culture of the temple festival at Ditan Park on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 5. We were encouraged to go in the morning to avoid the crowds, but due to phone calls with our kids and other friends, we left later than hoped. Imagine "all" of Beijing in one place. Ok - maybe "half" of Beijing.

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