Wednesday, May 14, 2014

People Stories - MZ

MZ is a local brother who we met in August. Our friends who helped us get settled when we moved here called him to drive us from the airport. Since then, we have had a few times together.  

As MZ shared his story with us, he revealed that our Father used many situations in his life to weave together a fascinating testimony. And He used a woman named W to change his life.

At our retreat, M & W shared their story with us, with much laughter and seriousness.

M was born into a poor family who lived in a poor countryside village. Growing up, he dreamed of getting out of poverty by becoming a rich businessman. He planned to study hard, go into the city, and go to college. If he worked hard and trusted in himself, his dreams would come true. He always saw himself as the short guy from a poor village that no one would want to marry. But in college, he had a girlfriend for about 5 years.  

At one point in his life, M invested borrowed money into a restaurant that failed after three months.  That loss left him in great debt. There seemed no way to pay the debt back so he thought the only solution was to take his own life. Yet, in his mind that would be shameful towards his parents who had invested in his education. In addition, that would be shameful to the one to whom he owed the money. So he felt in total despair. One day, he and his girlfriend met a young lady, W, on the subway who invited them to a local Bible Study. He and his girlfriend went to the study. Although his girlfriend said she wasn’t interested, he continued going anyway. Now, not only had he lost the business, lost the money, he also lost his girlfriend. Through that Bible Study M came to believe in JC as his Savior and his life changed dramatically. Six months later M and W married.

W also has her own fascinating testimony of our Father working in her life. Our Father used people from the States to change her life.

From 2003-2005, W worked in a school in another city where SF is head principal. When SF interviewed W for the school position, he asked her if she was a Xn. She said no but wanted to know more. Our Father used the people in the school and the English language to change her life. During Sp. Emphasis Week, the elementary principal shared the Truth with her. W thought Xn-ity was equivalent to Americanism or American culture, but the principal explained that JC didn’t come from America but from Israel. He came for the whole world, not just one country. Our Father opened her heart then and W placed her trust in JC.  W eventually became a 5th grade teaching assistant in that school.  Later, W came to Beijing to work in a new Xn school where she teaches English and science. W was the young lady on the subway that met M and his girlfriend.

When M & W talked with W’s mom about getting married, W’s mom said no. She didn’t think her educated, city girl should marry a poor, short guy from the countryside. Eventually her mother gave up and told them to go ahead.

M&W have two little boys. When his wife discovered that she was expecting their second child, many people told her to ‘get rid of the baby’ because of China’s one-child policy. However, M&W knew that our Father had created this child and would provide for them. Therefore, they would do whatever it takes to raise him for the Father.  This includes facing a fine for the second child -  200,000RMB ($32,000USD). They are working in such a way to save the money to pay the fine.

M&W see clearly how our Father showed them the true way of life. After putting their faith in JC, the whole direction of their lives has changed.  M’s dream now is to have meaningful work with souls. His goal is to be the most excellent husband and father in the world. He asked how could he do that. He has bought and read a lot of books but realized that he doesn’t have the power to be the best. That power comes only from G. Only with G’s power can he love his wife and children as he ought.

Remember this family as they serve.

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