Saturday, March 7, 2015

When the student is ready.....

Awhile back we connected the BBC email to our personal email so we don't have to monitor separate accounts. Sometimes we receive the normal "I am out of money and owe this much...." Yet sometimes we connect with very interesting people. Recently a local gal contacted us with the plea "I have a foreign ID, can I please come?" She came last week and then came over this afternoon, stayed for dinner, and helped me set up our new TV. She came with many questions and a real hunger for the Truth. She notices a difference between many local fellowships and foreign fellowships, yet hasn't been able to put her finger on the difference yet. We straight up shared the Truth with her, talked about what are secondary issues and what is the primary issue, and encouraged her to read the first three chapters of the Book and ask questions such as "What does this say about G? What does this say about sin?" She lives about 1 1/2 hours away in the city but has some commitments on our side of town each weekend so we hope to see her more. She mentioned often in our conversations that in previous years others had shared the Truth with her, including her foreign English teacher, but she didn't want to hear it then. Now she wants to know so much. Please remember her.

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