Just a little reflection on our Guys’ Nights. Ever since we have
lived in Beijing, we have hosted Guys’ Nights. Some years we held it once a
month, some years (like this year) every other week. Mark teaches and disciples
young men, mostly single, during this time. Some topics Mark created on his own;
some we pulled from established resources. For example, Mark has taught a
few subjects on systematic theology, biblical
friendships, and sins particular to men. Last year the guys
watched the DVD series produced by FamilyLife called Stepping Up: A Call to
Courageous Freedom. Most of this year they watched a DVD series of John
Piper teaching a conference on his book Future
Grace. After finishing Future Grace,
the guys are now discussing Christian virtues, beginning with wisdom and
The guys come for dinner then move to the living area for
discussion. I make dinner and clean up while Mark or one of the other guys
leads the time of prayer, teaching, and discussion. This past Monday we hosted
the largest group in a while – 8 guys + us = 10. We squeezed everyone around
our 6-person dining table and when one person finished, a latecomer arrived so
all had a place to sit. On days like this, the crockpot is my best friend. Days
like this remind me that God can use little things for His purpose. God uses a
small kitchen, two burners, a crockpot, and a toaster oven to feed several hungry men. If
Jesus can feed 5,000 men plus women and children with five small loaves of
bread and two fish, then He can feed a few hungry men with a pot of soup and a
French baguette or two.
I rejoice to see how each of these men grow in their
understanding and application of grace. Although I don’t hear much of the
discussion, the fact that most of them return and then begin developing
consistency in attending worship services indicates steps of growth in grace. I
see some of them increase in their love for God, for others, and in serving the
body. Consistent with ex-pat life here, some guys come while they live in
Beijing then leave after a few months, a semester, or a year. Like in the
parable of the soils, some guys come once and we never see them again. We pray
that the seeds God plants in their lives remain and take root as they return to
their home countries.
March 7, 2016 Guys' Night
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