Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Many people ask us how we are. We, as many do, have a tendency to answer with what we are doing, not HOW we are. There's a difference.

So here are some words that describe us recently:

Frustrated – we woke up yesterday to no hot water. It should come back on in 36 hours. Better than last time when it was 3 days.

Sad – that Rudy & "Tina" leave for Paris in about a month. What they originally planned for 6 months has turned into at least a year. She's sad, unsure of what life will be like there. She's afraid of being lonely because she doesn't speak French. She's afraid she won't find food and spices she likes.

Burdened – that three brothers at BBC have conflict and one has threatened to leave the church because of it. We want to see the true gospel applied to all their hearts in true redemption and forgiveness. 

Mad - I started yesterday mad at Mark and really had to pray that God would help me. I had no right to be angry on the inside and asked him to remove that anger. It took a while and lots of prayer and focusing on why Jesus died for me. Eventually God gave grace to overcome the anger and we had a good but tiring day.

Compassion – for an old man and his granddaughter who basically live on the street. The old man sells plants near our neighborhood and we see them often as we go about.

Ragged – from traveling all over town to meet people. Nothing takes less than an hour to get to. Some days it just feels good to stay at home.

Happy – that I am again teaching chemistry to teenagers. It gives me a focus and a purpose beyond our normal relationships.

Thankful – that we see God’s grace working in our own grown children. In talking with Alicia the other day, we talked about how do we see God working in our own lives? Sometimes we can’t see it in ourselves but we do see it in other people. We see them growing in the love and grace that can only come from a personal relationship with Jesus.

Thankful – that both Brent and Amy begin new jobs soon. God has provided for both of them in their respective fields.

Disappointed - that one of our dating couples recently broke off the relationship. Sometimes we wonder what this young generation seeks in relationships and how do we apply God's truth to this season of their lives. What does the gospel look like in these difficult moments?

Off to chemistry class soon. A one hour and 45 minute travel trip (one way) for a 2 hour class then meet a friend for dinner on the way home.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for sharing your feelings Cheryl and for being so transparent. Rejoicing with you for the thankful things and praying you through the others!Remember the glimpses of the "other side of the tapestry" that God gives us daily! Love and miss you!
