Thursday, August 3, 2017

South India Pastoral Training - 2017

As of August 3, Mark completed a week of intensive pastoral training for 20 pastors in southern India. What began as a 5-day, 30-session attempt morphed into 4 long days of sometimes shorter but more concentrated sessions.  That's OK because, as is often the case, men’s plan B, C, or D was really the Lord’s original plan A anyway.

Mark, and then our Malaysian friend Samuel, taught these spiritually hungry men the following topics:
·   Why another partnership?
·   Exploring the nature of true gospel fellowship
·   A vision for theological/pastoral training
·   The incomparable Scriptures
·   What is the gospel?
·   Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
·   Paul’s letter to Titus: a model of expository preaching
·   The five solas
·   Case for confessional Christianity
·   Our wives: gospel partners
·   Proverbs 4:23: “The most important watch of your life”
·   Where do we go from here?

In addition to teaching, Mark got to know the Indian pastors well. The heart these men have for Jesus Christ, his message, and his people encouraged and strengthened Mark in so many ways. These men love Jesus and give sacrificially of their lives for their church and their community. And yet most of these pastors had not heard the gospel or topics presented so distinctly before.

Please continue to pray for Mark as he travels and ministers to pastors in a city about 6 hours' drive away. Pray for safety, health, strength, and heavenly wisdom. He and his host hope to encourage these pastors in the Lord and promote the idea of theological training in that city.

2 Timothy 2:2 What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. 

Mark with his hosts

A believing family who hosted Mark & friends for Sunday evening dinner after the worship service. The grandmother was a "first fruits" of the G from 1982.

Listening with rapt attention

Pastor Daniel (married in 1961) traveled 7-8 hours for this pastoral training. "His attentiveness, singing and praying have made a lasting impression on me as to what Psalm 92 fruitfulness looks like. And to think he still pastors a village church!" - from Mark's text message

Summer 2017 - South India Pastoral Training
Twenty men from seven towns and two provinces who completed the training. They received Certificates of Completion.

"I was able to sit with these children from the adjacent slum area and tell them of [JC. My host] translated for me. The children (with their parents) sat and listened attentively. I'm so impressed with the head, heart, and hands ministry of Jesus Holy Church ministries. The ladies who cooked for our men then shared food with the children even during our training sessions. Thankful for the example of the saints of [this city] to their very poor Hindu neighbors." - from Mark's text message

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