Saturday, October 28, 2017

People Stories - Irene

Meet Irene, a fashion designer, from the Netherlands. We first met Irene when she came to BBC in the spring of 2017.

Sometimes at the beginning of a service Mark will ask newcomers to stand up and state their name as a way of introduction. Irene boldly offered, "I'm Irene from the Netherlands. I'm Catholic but thinking about being a Baptist." Wow, what an introduction.

Shortly after that she joined us for our annual church retreat. Since then Irene has faithfully and consistently placed herself under the teaching of God's Word.

This past Saturday we had the privilege of spending several hours with Irene, enjoying a sumptuous lunch and lovely conversation. She told us about her spiritual journey from the age of eighteen through spiritism, sorcery, secular psychology, hypnotherapy, witchcraft, occult, and New Age. Through all this, she was a spiritual seeker, looking for truth, but didn't know light from darkness. Even in the midst of such spiritual darkness, God showed her glimpses of light and used various personal experiences to draw her to himself.

In early 2017, Irene placed her faith in Jesus, the light of the world. During a trip to Israel this past summer, she was baptized in the Jordan River, following the example of her Lord Jesus. She is currently pursuing BBC membership.

What a delight to watch Irene hunger and thirst for God's righteousness. She's learning so much from God's Word and from his people.

Pray for Irene as she grows in her understanding of God's Word and how his Word should affect her thinking and her life. Pray that the God of light will shine in her and eradicate the remaining vestiges of Satan and darkness.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pray for China

Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 

1 Timothy 2:1-3 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.

Would you please pray for China’s governing authorities as they meet to conduct their party meetings within these next few weeks?

Please pray that they would make and enforce laws that would do good for their country and for their people.

Pray that God will give them wisdom from on high so that all people “may lead a peaceful and quiet life."

Sunday, October 8, 2017

People Stories - John & Karen and other musings

We live in an area of Beijing where we see few foreigners compared to other parts of the city. One day after I arrived back in Beijing as we stocked up on groceries from the large grocery store in the mall, we met a man named John in the checkout line in front of us and started chatting with him. Because that day he happened to wear a university shirt given him by his daughter, Mark started the conversation about that university which quickly led to college football talk. Naturally. J We chatted for a bit and handed him our contact card. A few days later he emailed us, and we eventually caught dinner with him and his wife since they live not too far from us. What a fascinating couple! He had been doing business between China and the US for over 25 years, but now he teaches law and business courses to foreign and national university students. His wife Karen is just beginning a distinguished professorship in nursing in another section of the city. We delighted to hear their story, how they met, and how they ended up in Beijing.  We would love to continue conversations with them since they live close by.

Not long after our dinner with John and Karen, we met a man from New Zealand at a bus stop. As we talked, I noticed that he wore a T-shirt sporting the periodic table of elements. It turns out that he teaches chemistry at the same university as John.

It feels strange to talk about ‘foreigners’. I don’t think we would refer to a ‘foreigner’ in the US, but anyone not a native Chinese gets labeled ‘foreigner.’ Often we hear little children call out 为国人 (wèiguórén) as we walk by them. We have learned to play a little game with them. We respond in Chinese that we are not foreigners; we are American. It’s fun to see the shocked look on the kids’ faces and hear the adults chuckle that not only did we understand them, we responded in their language with a riddle. Although it seems strange, it actually makes it easy to spot foreigners and strike up conversations.

I read once that some people in the US get offended when asked where they are from as if they weren’t American. Here it’s a great conversation starter. Seeing a foreigner and asking where they are from breaks the ice since all we foreigners fall in the same situation here. We don’t belong. We know that. So we try to connect on those topics that bring us together, things that we have in common even if we hail from countries around the world. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Climate Change

Climate change. Words we hear often in the news. What is climate change? How do we affect climate change? Is there such a thing as climate control?  When discussing climate change, we often refer to weather or environment. It could be literal or figurative.

Today I learned about climate change, again. Every once in a while, we hear of waves of change, or climate control.  Sometimes they sound loud but end up fading away. Today’s climate change indicates winter is coming with cold winds blowing and animals may hunker down and hibernate for while, until spring thaw. 

According to,
Animals hibernate as a way to adapt to their surroundings. They have to be able to survive the cold weather. They hibernate to escape the cold and because food is scarce.
To get ready for hibernation, animals will eat more than usual during the fall to store up body fat. During hibernation and torpor, they will use up this extra body fat to live off of while not losing any muscle. This allows the animal to come out of hibernation thinner and still as strong as it was before winter. 
We don’t often see the changes in the animals as they hibernate, but they come out of hibernation as strong as or stronger than when they began.

As we enter this new climate change, please pray for spring thaw to come and that the animals would not only survive but thrive. 

People Stories - Elevator Friend

One day while riding the elevator to our apartment, we chatted with a man who asked the usual questions of where we’re from, how long we’ve lived here, and what do we do.  We often answer by telling our focus for internationals in the city. This particular time when we told him, he responded by saying “I’ve always wanted to know more about Christianity. I want to know more so I can help my son when he asks.” Wow, not often does a person voice a curiosity so easily.

Since this week is a holiday week, he invited us to his home for tea. Over numerous cups of black tea, green tea, sunflower seeds, and grapes, we chatted for several hours about the Truth, the Message, and the emptiness of our hearts. Like so many, he has come to believe that there is more to life than earning lots of money, buying lots of things, and gaining lots of honors. Our new friend expressed the emptiness of heart that comes even as he pursues those things. He fears that his son will also discover an empty heart while pursuing all the pleasures of life.  He wants to prepare to share Christianity with his son while he is still a preteen, before he reaches the rebellious teen years and turns away from all that his parents stand for.

Rarely have we met a man so ripe for seeking the Truth. We explained the Message of Hope, drew pictures diagramming the four parts – the message about God, man, Jesus, and our response of faith and repentance. We left him with the Good Book, a study book, and Exploring Life (aka Ultimate Questions). Mark hopes to meet with him regularly in the next few weeks to talk.

This fall Mark began a series through 1 Corinthians and this past Sunday taught through 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, part of which reads
11 No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.

13 When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths.  14 But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. (NLT)

Please pray earnestly for clarity, understanding, and God to work in this situation. Please ask the Spirit to open our friend’s heart and mind to understand the Truth and share it with his own family.