Wednesday, February 27, 2019

People Stories - Eve

Eve contacted us after coming to Beijing upon finishing several years living in the US. Like so many of our acquaintances, she went to the US as a teenager, attended US high school, and then earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees at a top US university. She lived in Minneapolis for a few years and went to a solid, Bible-teaching church. She contacted us looking for a solid Bible-teaching, English-speaking church in Beijing. Although she cannot attend Beijing Baptist Church, we met her a couple of times to hear her heart and help her wrestle through her spiritual struggles. The Lord taught her much during her years in the US. She has a terrific grasp of the truth and Scripture, yet she feels she just cannot believe in Christ yet. What if she doesn’t have enough faith? What if she doesn’t fully come to Christ? After we introduced her to some of our friends and we again had time with her, we (as well as our friends) asked her, “What keeps you from putting your faith in Jesus Christ?” We jested with her that she reminds us of the apostle Paul of whom Festus said, “Paul, you are out of your mind! Your great learning is driving you mad” (Acts 26:24).

Please pray for Eve, that she would come to Jesus like a little child, with simple faith, believing that he will save her from her sinful state. We liken her to a child ready to be born – she’s in the birth canal. Jesus, push her out into eternal life.

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