Friday, September 13, 2013

Best 14 yuan/Disconnected (Mark)

Just spent the best 14 yuan ever: we took a taxi for 14 yuan (or kuai or RMB) from Lotus (a mid-size grocery/Wal-Mart store) for the 1 1/2 miles from the store to our apartment. We had around $ 110.00 worth of groceries, including a new phone and backpack. The 14 yuan is approx. $ 2.33, so it is a geat value.

We are disconnected. For some reason our bellsouth email ( is not working, so bear patiently if we do not respond to your emails for the next day or so...


  1. Yeah, I'd say $2.33 beats walking 1.5 miles with all those groceries! Also, you said you got a new phone... did you get your iPhone activated?

  2. iPhone is activated. We bought the new phone to have a dedicated Vonage phone. That way we don't have to remember to plug in & unplug each day. Have a great Girls Day. :)

  3. So is there a phone number we can call you on vonage? I was thinking the only way was skype, and then we both have to make sure we are on at the same time. :)
