Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Faces, New Names

Today we were the new kids on the block. So cool to meet all the families and individuals who make up the "body" of Covenant Baptist Church in Clarksville, TN. It is evident to us as outsiders that God is knitting their hearts together under Pastor John Miller's leadership.

We were greeted by 8 year-old Keshonda this morning. She had on a short sleeve shirt with the words "We Belong Together". Really sweet. We met the Beys, Burtons, Wolfes, Ramirez's, Tiffany, Kennes H, Weavers and others. Tonight there were three men from a church down in Nashville. I knew one of them from a Pastoral Theology course at GBC in January, 2011. 

New Faces, new names. I made as many notes as I could so we can "on-ramp" as quickly as possible to make new friendships in the church between now and the end of April. 

Have you ever noticed how quickly we can bond with other believers? We experienced that today in Clarksville.The bond we have in Christ is really the strongest bond that exists, rivalling that even in families. Then again :) we are family...

In days ahead, but only with their permission, I hope to tell the story of some of the families here in Clarksville. Their stories will encourage and inspire you as you will see how ordinary saints live extraordinary lives...


  1. Wow, I am so glad to check something on the computer now other than MRCA, Facebook and the weather!!! Ha! So glad to "hear" from you and that you are getting set up. Give big hugs to the Miller gang from us. Can't say I'm feeling the tug of missing you yet as I'm just coming out of my anesthesia "fog", but certainly it is arriving any minute! :) I texted Kristen for an invite to dinner, waiting to hear back, she may have Bible study. Sounds like Philip's cold is improving too and that the production this past weekend was a success. (via Cam, via Nathan). Anyway, know that we are praying daily for you and, wait for it....I feel the tug...missing you both! :) Lots of love,
    Baby Sis, El

  2. Thanks for the update! We are so excited to see where God will lead you in these coming months. (and by the way, Ellen isn't joking that she was in a "fog"..whether or not she has come out of it is yet to be seen :)!) Love and hugs to you both. Nick and Shelby
