Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Journey Continues

Saturday, March 2. Today Cheryl and I are settling in our apartment in Clarksville, TN. We will work here for the next two months with John and Elizabeth and the Covenant Baptist Church. In the middle of our time, we travel to China, to visit a church as part of an exploratory trip. Cheryl desired to contribute to the blog, so in her own words:
Before we left for TN, Marsha Van Steenburgh recommended I keep a journal of this new stage in our lives.  So as I packed for TN, I gathered pen and paper – then I realized, hey this is the 21st century, I can type a lot faster and better than using pen & paper.  I probably would keep up better too.  I love handwritten things, but at my stage in life, that is more laborious than typing. So here we are.

As we drove here yesterday, Mark & I discussed resurrecting his blog from his Russia trip called Journey to the Far East.  Should we rename it?  Can we both contribute to it?  I want to keep the name.  It is reflective of our life.  Although we might not always be involved in the Far East, we will always be on a journey.  Journey & walking are constant themes in Scripture.  Scriptural history begins with Adam & Eve walking in the garden.  God called Abraham to journey to the Promised Land.  Later God called the Israelites out of Egypt on a journey to the Promised Land. And so is our life – a journey to the heavenly Promised Land.

People used to ask me what I would do after our years of homeschooling.  Although I didn’t know then what I would do, every homeschooling mom I know has moved on to other things. I taught chemistry one more year.  During that year I also began working in the HBI office doing the bookkeeping and related duties.  I resurrected skills that had long lay dormant.  Now after 16 months, I feel like I am getting into the groove.   Funny how God moves us on in life.  I don’t miss the responsibilities of teaching and homeschooling.  I thoroughly enjoyed our homeschooling journey and reflect with fond memories of those special years with our kids.  I think that those years drew us together closer as a family and therefore our ‘kids’ love their siblings in a very special way.

Now, God has moved us on in life to new journeys. Today we sit on the brink of a two-month internship of sorts. Mark is here in Clarksville, TN to help Pastor John Miller.  Mark will preach, visit, and disciple. I will help to give some relief to Elizabeth on a few things, especially since she has a newborn, her 3rd. I will likely read & blog.

In the meantime, Mark has been corresponding with a pastor in China who plans to come stateside this summer for more training.  That body needs an interim for a while. Mark has been in touch with them over the course of several months culminating in an exploratory trip in just 3 weeks. 

What we have learned in this process, getting passports updated, visas, and tickets, is that mobilization takes time and is stressful. Therefore, it makes sense to go for extended periods, not short jaunts.

Journey. Life.  Life is a journey – always changing, always moving, always new.  But GOD never changes; God never moves in the same sense; God remains the same. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  I am so thankful I have a constant, faithful, unchanging God.  He directs, guides, lives, loves, leads, but most importantly saves & sanctifies.

Kristen commented on Facebook before she went to bed Thursday night and we wouldn’t see her Friday morning before she left for school: “ ‎"Goodbyes" are not exactly my favorite thing... #ropeholding #servingasasender.”  I’m not good at goodbyes. They aren’t my favorite thing either. We have always been on the sending side of the rope – praying for others. It’s strange to be on the sent side of the rope.  I have prayed for others and watched God answer specific prayers. I know God is able to give exactly what we need and when.

Well, Mark says I’ve typed a lot. True. It’s time to explore Clarksville albeit in 27 degree snowy weather.


  1. Exciting to see how the Lord will lead you!

  2. I'm so glad to see a post from Mom! I hope you keep taking turns so we can hear from both of you. :) Miss you and love you! Stay warm!

  3. Thanks for your sweet words, Mom. How fun to hear from you in your own words. Thank you for the reminders that just as our lives are constantly in states of change and transition, we rest in our faithful God who never changes. I often go back to that chapel message that Dad gave on "Jehovah Shammah - God is there"...He is always, always there.

    This afternoon, I sat with a sweet girl in church who I could tell needed the encouragement of a listening ear and friend. I invited her for lunch(and tried a new recipe on her!)...what a blessing! Yet, again, God never wastes our stories and even uses them to encourage others. I felt so honored to be able to serve her through hospitality.

    Also, ask the Millers if they know the Beatons (Craig Beaton) from Greenville Theological...I have their boys in my class...precious family!

  4. So excited for y'all! Rachel and I are praying for you and we are so excited to see where God leads you. We love y'all and have always appreciated your friendship! Enjoy Clarksvegas and go to the Blackhorse pub for us! Barnstormer red is the best!

  5. Life is a journey--I love it! And I agree with your daughters--it is so nice to hear from both Mark and Cheryl. Recently I put verses from Psalm 92 on a card and put the card on my wall in front of my computer--I did it to remind myself how I want to live my latter years--but it definitely reminds me of M&C Hatfield. I think God wanted me to put those verses up, not just for me, but so that I would pray for you.

  6. Wonderful idea to continue this blog! Such a great way to let lots of people know what is going on and what prayer needs you have. We will certainly miss you here but also look forward to seeing the ways in which God will use you elsewhere (or many elsewheres!).

    Maggie Roberts
