Monday, March 25, 2013

Pictures from Beijing - Fri. March 22 - Monday, March 25

Flying over the Russian Siberian Mountains

First views of Beijing on the way to the Koslicki's apartment

Our gracious hosts, Mark & Diane Koslicki

In taking in the view from our bedroom balcony, Mark mistakenly stepped out on the balcony. We leave our shoes at the entry and don't step outside in stocking feet.  Wonder why?

Indoor skating rink at the China World Mall across the street from the apartment.  We pass this rink each time we go to the subway.

Can you guess this supermarket?


Street vendor selling sliced pineapples. Street vendors are everywhere, selling beautiful, aromatic goods.

 Views from the 18th floor

 Views from the 32nd floor of the hotel across the street
 We are staying on the 18th floor of the white apartments in the center of the picture below.

 Sunday, March 24, 2013

 Monday, March 25, 2013


  1. Great pictures:) Looks kinda chilly--brrr!
    Praying for you all. Love, K.

  2. Dad, I'm very impressed with your chopstick skills! Great to see some pictures! :)

  3. That moment when you realize your parents are doing more interesting things than you are...

  4. Well, whaddaya know.... Before Diane was Mrs. Mark Koslicki, she was my roommate. I haven't seen them since before Wendy was born. They're still an adorable couple. :)
