Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30, Tuesday "First Tears"

October 30, Tuesday First Tears
Today our hearts, thoughts, and prayers have been with the US eastern seaboard with Hurricane Sandy making land fall around 9:00 AM our time. May God use this event to turn many hearts to Him.
I do not fully understand why I cried today. We were having dinner at Ira’s house. Ira is a godly single mom in her early 50’s who has a beautiful young 14 year old (15 on November 21st) daughter Sonja. Ira has served as one of Steve’s translators both on this trip and on previous trips to the Far East. We were joined by another Ira (a physician), and Luba (Sonja’s English teacher). We were listening to the ladies tell of their parents, where they were born, life’s difficulties under the communist regime’ – and I thought of Mr. Abarotin, gentle and godly father of my youngest sister’s (Ellen) husband, Victor. We were sitting and eating a beautiful and generous meal. I could not contain my emotions. I thought of Victor and Ellen and their two years in France during 2009-2011, how Victor’s dad passed away into glory early in 2011, and how Victor’s mom came over to visit them in France. They visited Mr. Abarotin’s birthplace in St. Petersburg, Russia, but without him. Russians are very proud of beautiful St. Petersburg. And I remember hearing how Mr. and Mrs. Abarotin traveled from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Russia with hands of charity for the people of Mr. A’s home country. I cried, because I have seen some of the sadness and poverty that would move a man in the autumn and winter of his life to return to this place called Russia. And I cried because I only wish Victor and his mom could have had Mr. Abarotin with them. I would give anything to return to the States, sit down with Mr. A and talk about his home country, the culture, and the cause of Christ in this place. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mark...what a post! I can't wait for Victor to read it. You now have a taste of what it meant for V's parents to go back and minister to the dear ones in Russia. I know "Oma" has been praying for your time there. When you get a moment back here, you can read Opa's "memoirs" as written by daughter Nina...you'll appreciate them all the more now.

    Well, home stretch for you and Steve...I bet it will be bittersweet saying goodbye. We can't wait to see you and hear directly from you of your "adventure"!! God willing you will have an uneventful time getting home--praying that way!

    Love you and see you SOON!
