Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pictures from October 22-25

Finally - a 350 ruble haircut!

Steve on a snowy Tuesday at the Train Station

Alexi and Cristina (from Novoshahtsink): Christian friends through the Pogranichny church). I write about Cristina in my blog. We will meet her large family (14 children) on Sunday, October 28.

Alexi's Tuesday Night English Class:  __, Vicki, and Vicki

Helen and Irina from the Far Eastern Federal University. Without Helen, the door would not be open at FEFU. Steve met her in 2004.

Cristina (3rd from left) with Artum (Sakaland Islands), and Dasha. These three (plus Kseniia) are all first year dental students at the Far Eastern Medical School. 

Alexi and Steve at the front desk of the the luxurious Versailles Hotel in downtown Vlad. We confirmed  later that this is the "Tourist" Hotel where famed missionary Gladys Aylward stayed for five days in 1930 before fleeing for her life. She then gave 17 years of service in northeast inland China for Christ. Eighth grade students at Pioneer Valley Christian School in Springfield, Mass read this book annually as part of their curriculum.

Right before our English class, I help Kseniia Sergeev write her letter of interest to German universities to pursue graduate studies in physical chemistry. A very bright young lady!

My blogspot for the English students in the Thursday evening class. I make the point that Steve and I live around 2,500 KM apart.

Alice gives a presentation on Henry Ford and the Model T while speaking English. Well done!

Best friends Alice and Ann discuss the Johnny Lingo story (8 Cow Wife).

Steve depicts Johnny Lingo's wife Sarita while explaining the Johnny Lingo story.

The Thursday night English class (one of my favorite times of the trip). We meet every Thursday from 6:00 until 8:50. From left to right: Kate, Judith, Anastasia, Olga, Mitta, me, Steve, Natalia, Kseniia, Alice and Ann. Only Alice and Ann are still in high school.We have shared so much cross-culturally and about our Christian world view with this group. Next Thursday (November 1st) will be our last class with them. In honor of the date we will teach about the Reformation with them. 

1 comment:

  1. Great fotos.....we are praying for looks like your having a wonderful time...give our greetings from their usa brothers and sisters in Christ....
